We all hate spam and spammer way too much. They always annoy us everywhere on internet, our blogs, comments, Facebook, Twitter, forums, and everywhere. It's a great idea to prevent some of these spammers by using a CAPTCHA. It's impossible for them to pass a CAPTCHA, since they're just a spam bot without any brain.
Google's reCAPTCHA is a great way to knock these spammers out. Over 200,000 sites use reCAPTCHA, including household names like Facebook, Ticketmaster, Twitter and Craigslist. I have added a reCAPTCHA on my BuddyPress' registration at this link. It also looks good and professional. It's easy to add reCAPTCHA to your BuddyPress' registration page, you just need to read this tutorial carefully. Here we go:
Installing BuddyPress reCAPTCHA:
First we must install BuddyPress reCAPTCHA on our WordPress. You can download this by clicking here.
Finish with this part. Now, first we'll create our reCAPTCHA keys then we'll add our key to this plugin. This doesn't have a user panel, so we have to do it manually. Let's start our second step:
Getting Our reCAPTCHA Keys:
Now we need two reCAPTCHA keys from their website - first is public key, and second is a private key. Here is how to get both of these:
Adding reCAPTCHA Keys To BuddyPress:
It's final step, and it's not that hard.You must edit the 'bp-recaptcha.php' file to make your settings.
Google's reCAPTCHA is a great way to knock these spammers out. Over 200,000 sites use reCAPTCHA, including household names like Facebook, Ticketmaster, Twitter and Craigslist. I have added a reCAPTCHA on my BuddyPress' registration at this link. It also looks good and professional. It's easy to add reCAPTCHA to your BuddyPress' registration page, you just need to read this tutorial carefully. Here we go:
Installing BuddyPress reCAPTCHA:
First we must install BuddyPress reCAPTCHA on our WordPress. You can download this by clicking here.
- Click here and download this plugin. Visit your WordPress' plugin page and install this plugin.
- You can also install this plugin from your WP's plugin directory.
- After installing, just click on active.
Finish with this part. Now, first we'll create our reCAPTCHA keys then we'll add our key to this plugin. This doesn't have a user panel, so we have to do it manually. Let's start our second step:
Getting Our reCAPTCHA Keys:
Now we need two reCAPTCHA keys from their website - first is public key, and second is a private key. Here is how to get both of these:
- Visit this link and login with your Google Account.
- Following form will appear, fill this form with your website url and click on Create Key:
- Now after clicking on Create Key, you'll get both keys - public key, and the private key. Now copy these codes into a notepad document, and check next step:
Adding reCAPTCHA Keys To BuddyPress:
It's final step, and it's not that hard.You must edit the 'bp-recaptcha.php' file to make your settings.
- Visit your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Edit Plugins
- Choose BuddyPress reCAPTCHA plugin
- Now choose bp-recaptcha.php file
- In bp-recaptcha.php add your your public key and private key in following spaces:
- Click on Update/Save and That's IT!