First of all this article is from Immersion Media. It's a very useful article and don't forget to visit their site. Before trying this you need some basic html and css knowledge so first get some lessons then come here.
If you're wondering how to create forms using Google Drive/Docs then you can learn it by clicking here.
Now let's get to our topic. It's very useful and i hope you'll use it in good way.
After creating your form visit your form and Right click on page and select view source from menu. Copy form code by selecting everything between the <form>…</form>tags. See example below. You can also include the JavaScript at the end. This will be the form field validation.
Paste code in a new page/document.
This step is optional, but since you’ve taken the time to stylizing your form, you might as well create a nice confirmation page. After creating a confirmation page, replace the <form> tag of your form page and replace it with the JavaScript listed below.
Find and Replace this:
<form action="YOUR-GOOGLE-SPREADSHEET-LINK" method="POST">
With this:
<script type="text/javascript">var submitted=false;</script>
<iframe name="hidden_iframe" id="hidden_iframe"
style="display:none;" onload="if(submitted)
<form action="YOUR-GOOGLE-SPREADSHEET-LINK" method="post"
target="hidden_iframe" onsubmit="submitted=true;">
Even though the form is no longer hosted on Google, form submissions will continue to be posted to your Google Drive/Docs account. Hope this will help you.....