Earlier this month I shared an article about changing WordPress Author URL Slug. That code will change the default yoursite.com/author/name to yoursite.com/profile/name.
Now this trick will remove the author prefix from the author slug. To clarify, this snippet will help you turn: yoursite.com/author/name/ into: yoursite.com/name/.
Just add following snippet to your functions.php file:
// The first part //
add_filter('author_rewrite_rules', 'no_author_base_rewrite_rules');
function no_author_base_rewrite_rules($author_rewrite) {
global $wpdb;
$author_rewrite = array();
$authors = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT user_nicename AS nicename from $wpdb->users");
foreach($authors as $author) {
$author_rewrite["({$author->nicename})/page/?([0-9]+)/?$"] = 'index.php?author_name=$matches[1]&paged=$matches[2]';
$author_rewrite["({$author->nicename})/?$"] = 'index.php?author_name=$matches[1]';
return $author_rewrite;
// The second part //
add_filter('author_link', 'no_author_base', 1000, 2);
function no_author_base($link, $author_id) {
$link_base = trailingslashit(get_option('home'));
$link = preg_replace("|^{$link_base}author/|", '', $link);
return $link_base . $link;
Props to WP-Snippet for this amazing tricks.