Saturday 5 January 2013

Blogger Add Widget Not Working

Important: All scripts hosted on don't work anymore because Google has blocked that SVN repository.
Want to add a new widget but Add Widget button is not working? Yea, you're are not the only one who is facing this problem. Blogger has a new bug, in which Add Widget button is not working. Thus, you can't add Disqus and other type of widgets on your blog.

If you're new to Blogger, then you should know that you can still add widget to your blog. Browse some widgets from our site or other sites. Click on Add to Blogger button and a pop-up will appear. In that window, Add Widget button will not work so Copy all the code from 'Edit Content' box and manually add that code to your blog:

How To Add Disqus Comment Box

Now, you can't add Disqus widget from this way....To add Disqus comment box on your blog read this article.
Important: Check our new website for WordPress tutorials, plugins and more.
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