Important: All scripts hosted on don't work anymore because Google has blocked that SVN repository.
All Google
- Maximum photo size: Each image can be no larger than 20 megabytes and are restricted to 50 megapixels or less.
- Maximum video size: Each video uploaded can be no larger than 1GB in size and 12 minutes in length.
- Maximum number of web albums: 20,000
- Maximum number of photos and videos per web album: 1,000
- Total storage space: Picasa Web provides 1 GB for photos and videos. Files under certain sizes don't count towards this limit. If you're a Google+ user, photos up to 2048 x 2048 pixels won't eat up your storage space. For non-Google+ users, the photo size limit is smaller: 800 x 800 pixels.
Hope this information will help you in future.
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