Important: All scripts hosted on don't work anymore because Google has blocked that SVN repository.
Here we go :
Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
Backup your template
Search for ]]></b:skin>
And just below it paste the following JavaScript code,
<!--WidCraft Password Code--> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Now whenever you wish to show images, text, media or anything only to selected people then you may create and write the post as you normally do in your blogger editor :
Switch to the Edit HTML mode and copy all the code that you see. As shown below,
Go To Encryption Page
Enter a password in the Key Box
Next Paste the code that you copies from your Blogger Editor into the Plain Text box
Hit the Encrypt Button below Plain Text box
Copy the code from the HTML CODE box
Now get back to your Blogger Editor. Create a New Post. Give your post a title and paste the HTML Code that you just copied inside your blogger Editor in the Edit HTML Mode. You can write anything in place of this text -> Show Encrypted text but make all changes in Edit HTML mode only.
That's It.....just publish your post and have can also have some fun with this trick :p
Leave your Questions/Review/Requests/Phone Numbers(Only Girl) in the comment section below!
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